Sunday 27 May 2007

Welcome to the jungle

And this marks the third blog I'm aiming to keep on a somewhat regular basis! My long standing one is on Informed Consent, a newer one on LJ, and now here.

The idea is to make this a dedicated 'BDSM/sexuality related writings only' type space, since the other places I have them are mostly burried alongside a plethora of general witterings on life. So objective one is to slowly trawl through those, and add the relvant stuff on here... Might be little re-writes, or re-edits, depending on what time allows, and depending on if I think any differently nowadays too!

And in the spirit of keeping the 'pointless waffle' quota down, I'll wrap this one up now



verte said...

Yay! Welcome to the Serious Bloggersphere. It's not so serious. And I'm going to plug you. In the non-physical sense, of course...! xx

thene said...

srs internets! And umhai, we emailled a couple of times last month, yes? *proffers handshake*

Unknown said...

What do you want, dear?
This world which is going to Hell?
Literally and figuratively?
And, yes, 1-outta-1 bites-the-dust...
or endless, incomprehensible 7th-Heaven
where we'll live F O R E V E R Upstairs?

trustNjesus, lil one.
God bless your indelible soul.